ITP Change projects list

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Total Records Found: 314, showing 100 per page
Propelling the Adoption of an ICT Led Pedagogy at Makerere University Uganda Uganda Technology and Management University (UTA
'We all learn_ Uruguay Plan Ceibal - Ceibal Center for the Support of C
Integration ICT and Pedagogy in Teaching-Learning Process: A New Journey of Secondary Education in Bangladesh Bangladesh Government Teachers Training College, Dhaka
Use of ITC to Develop Listening and Speaking materials: English for Today class six Bangladesh Government Teachers Training College, Dhaka
Enabling Environment for ICT in Education Initiatives through Field Level Administrative Supervision in Bangladesh Bangladesh Prime Ministers Office, Access to Info (A2I) Pro
Strenghtening the use of new technologies in educational processes for human rights training Bolivia Construir Foundation
English Language and Computer Course Bolivia Red Paz Integracion Y Desarrollo
Reducing technological gaps for the integral development of children Bolivia SOS Children's villages
Enrichment a Computer Lab/Integration ICT for Teaching Improvement Cambodia Lower Secondary School
ICT, Leadership and Pedagogical Development Project in Paili Province Cambodia Hun Sen Tepnimit Palin High School
To open an Information and Advice Centre on the gender issue India D.A.V Public School
Developing Techno-Pedagogy skills among Secondary School Teachers to Integrate ICT in Teaching-Learning India Department of Education, The M.S. University of
Best Pracitces in Rwanda from Implementing one Laptop per child (OLPC) in rural Primary Schools Rwanda Kigali Institute of Science and Technology
Improvement of the use of ICT in teaching and learning in different subjects, case study of Kigali Institute of Science and Technology Rwanda Kigali Institute of Science and Technology